Art for Sale
Dorothy Muriel Gillespie

Dorothy Muriel Gillespie (1920 - 2012) was active/lived in New York.  Dorothy Gillespie is known for Two and three-dimensional abstraction, installation.

From Roanoke, Virginia, Dorothy Gillespie creates installations of two and three dimensional work---paintings, collages, murals and sculpture with many of them "polycolored spirals of mylar, aluminum and steel that spring off walls and unfurl down staircases, creating a festival atmosphere."

Her education includes the Maryland Institute of Art, the Art Students League and Atelier 17 of Stanley Hayter. 

In 1946, she married, and traveled extensively around the world due to her husband's engineering profession.  She raised a family but continued her artwork, and increasingly experimented with abstraction and the combining of painting and sculpture.  She sometimes hangs paintings together or back to back or fastens them together to make cubes.  In the mid 1960s, in her work including collages, she became one of the first to use mylar, a flexible space-age material.

Dorothy Gillespie has also been active in the women's art mov   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 1618 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 88 auction lots for Dorothy Muriel Gillespie (of which 79 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 1 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 1 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Dorothy Muriel Gillespie as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Dorothy Muriel Gillespie in 0 of its research Essays. Dorothy Muriel Gillespie has 27 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 14 similar (related) artists for Dorothy Muriel Gillespie available:    Artist Unknown,  Maud Florance Gatewood,  Marion Greenwood,  Philip Moose,  Ernest Tino Trova,  Curtis Jere,  Romain (Erte) De Tirtoff,  Byron (George Byron) Browne,  Charles Paul Gruppe,  Keith Haring,  Chaim Gross,  Andy Warhol,  Pablo Picasso,  Peter Max

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Dorothy Muriel Gillespie
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H + K Gallery
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